Creating Slides Using Quarto

R Community of Practice June 15 - July 20

Irmarie Fraticelli-Rodriguez




This is our 6th and last R community of Practice meet up. We hope to continue this conversation and to expand this program to new members. So keep an eye to future announcements!!


This week we are going to use RStudio in a way we haven’t used before. We will be using RStudio, to format and generate a slide show.

This lesson objectives are:

  1. Introduce participants to Quarto, its purpose, features and benefits.
  2. Get participants acquainted to Quarto’s document structure.
  3. Practice structuring documents using RMarkdown.

What is Quarto?

  • A publishing tool for creating interactive and dynamic documents.

  • With Quarto, you can create reproducible articles, presentation, websites, blogs, and books in HTML, PDF, MS Word, ePub, and more.

  • In the same RStudio Session, you can combine data analysis and data visualization, to support your article, presentation, website or other.

Components of a .qmd file

The structure of a .qmd file is simple.

Anything that goes inside of the hyphens is considered a YAML text. And anything that goes after the last trio of hyphens, can be a combination of R code chunks, Markdown and RMarkdown.

What is YAML & RMarkdown?


  • YAML is a data serialization language for all programming languages.

  • Can be use to set up configurations in a file or website.


  • RMarkdown is an extension of Markdown

  • With this language you can format plain text with options such as:

    • headings
    • bold letters
    • italics
    • etc…
    • code chunks

Exercise: Let’s Practice!


Your supervisor is asking you to create a slide show about the the skills you have learn for the last few weeks. In this slide show, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What data do you chose to work with and why? (Markdown tip: use paragraph)
  2. What questions did you had about the data that you wanted to answer in the R community of practice? (Markdown tip: use bulleted list)
  3. What steps did you to take to process the data? (Markdown tip: use ordered list)
  4. A graphical summary of what they found out? (Markdown tip: use code chunk with graph)

To accomplish this request, you will need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Create a .qmd file.
  2. Set up YAML configurations
  3. Structure your presentation using RMarkdown
  4. Create the requested content